Ultimate Guide on Solar Window Films Malaysia

Germany Nano Ceramic Window Films

Ultimate Guide on Solar Window Films Malaysia

What is TSER, UVR, VLR, VLT, IRR & Glare Reduction ?

Auto film Malaysia provides a huge amount of benefits to the consumer; it makes their driving experience more secured and comfortable. It has the ability to decrease the heat, reduce fading, protect your skin, save energy, improve your security, and it can eliminate the annoying glare. Before we delve further on the Window tint film Malaysia, let us first focus on the terms and matters surrounding it.


Terms You Need to Understand About Solar Window Films Malaysia

Car Tinting Malaysia comes with a lot of terms that you need to know. In this article, we will guide you through the different jargons and terms that is being used in this industry to make your experience less daunting.



TSER (Total Solar Energy Rejection) is a metric that is used to measure the energy rejection of UV, infrared and visible light. An elevated TSER does not instantly mean that the film has a capacity to reject a high degree of heat, it can sometimes mean that it can reject a high amount of visible light. The most ideal way to assess the capacity of the film is to compare it with other Auto film Malaysia that has the same visible light transmission or VLT. A lot of companies prefer to use the IRR; however, IRR can only cover a small part of TSER. It presents a more precise way to measure the heat rejection ability of the film.



UVR or Ultra Violet Rejection is basically the percentage or the degree of UV radiation that is deflected when passing through the glazing framework. Most Solar Window Films Malaysia has this innate feature, but their ability to deflect can vary.



Visible Light Reflectance (VLR) would be the amount of light that penetrates the glazing framework. High level of VLR gives that mirror-effect. Window tint film Malaysia that has an elevated level of VLR will have a striking similarity on a mirror.



VLT or Visible Light Transmission is the term that refers to the level of visible light that goes directly through the glazing system. A high degree of VLT simply means that more light can pass through which will allow you to have an improved visibility.



Most companies are using IRR or Infrared Rejection when determining the rate to reject heat. However, IRR is limited to measuring the IR component that can be rejected by the film. For instance, if the auto film Malaysia has an IRR capacity of 65%, this means that it can deflect 65% of the infrared but 35% of the infrared can pass through.


Glare Reduction

Glare reduction basically measures the amount of reduction of VLT through the glazing framework without a tint film to the window film. It is basically similar with VLT in a lot of sense. Glare also elevates when you increase the VLT.


These are just some of the terms that you need to be familiar with in case you are looking for the Solar Window Films Malaysia. This will make the selection process a lot easier.

Click here for more info : https://kropelinwindowfilms.com/automotive/ceramic-windows-tint-films/